Spring Cleaning

Last updated on January 1, 1970

Spring is finally here!  As we begin to stash away those boots and winter coats, we begin thinking about spring cleaning.  Spring cleaning means, to many of us, a time to clean the windows and baseboards.  Get into the corners where cobwebs have grown over the winter.  Air out the house. Change the filters in the furnace.  There are countless ways we prepare our homes in celebration of the end of winter.  But, I don’t know how many people think about cleaning out and purging outdated food from their pantries, refrigerators and freezers.  That is another step to consider when getting rid of those boots that haven’t been worn over the past three winters.  As we add food to our freezer, it seems the older purchases get shoved to the back or the bottom. It may be time to clean out the food that has expired or accumulated too much freezer burn to be identifiable. Below is a link to a chart that provides the shelf life of countless food items.  Hope that this will be helpful as you work through your spring cleaning.
